Flatter Wins Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Contract to support the Enterprise Leader Development Program (ELDP)

Flatter Exercises its Love for Leadership Development

Flatter & Associates, Inc. (Flatter) wins its third prime contract at the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) to support the Leading Teams and Projects contract. This contract enables Flatter to exercise its core service of training, specifically in the area of Leadership Development. In support of DLA’s Enterprise Leader Development Program (ELDP), Flatter will teach up to 30 training courses for DLA leaders at various DLA sites both CONUS and OCONUS. These training courses are focused on components of leadership, business development, and critical capabilities that a capable DLA leader must exhibit.

Flatter’s President & CEO, JR Flatter, and COO, Jeff Covino, will personally lead this contract, applying their mutual love and passion for Leadership in teaching DLA’s leaders. This contract requires the duo to travel to multiple dispersed geographic regions over the next five years and teach these courses. DLA will benefit from J.R.’s knowledge and experience with a Ph.D. in Public Administration, Master’s in Leadership Development, and recent and relevant experience teaching for organizations to include George Washington University, Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), and the Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce Leadership Fredericksburg program.

Likewise, Jeff holds a master degree from The University of Oklahoma and has demonstrated Leadership Development experience as a Corporate Executive, Active Duty Marine, Father, and mentor for the Leadership Fredericksburg Program.

Flatter & Associates, Inc. (Flatter) is a premier support services company that plans, integrates, and sustains holistic, best-in-class Support Services Solutions for our Government Partner-Clients. Flatter achieves these solutions first through our strong history of delivering Prime Contractor Program Management expertise – disciplined by our ISO 9001:2015 processes – across numerous complex Government programs. Concurrently, Flatter possesses deep proficiency across a focused suite of core services that maximize our Partner-Clients’ operational effectiveness while simultaneously ensuring the most efficient use of their fiscal resources.